Steve Huff Vans

A/C Repair

Do It Yourself, or
Call an Expert?

Here in the Tri-cities, we’re independent, self-reliant, and proud of it. We believe each person should take responsibility for their own life. We’re a community of Do-it-Yourselfers. That’s usually a good thing. Not when it comes to Air Conditioning repair, though. That’s not so wise. 

There are several compelling reasons why homeowners should leave air conditioning repairs to professional HVAC technicians:

  • Safety First: AC units have parts that can be dangerous to work with. Mistakes can lead to leaks or fires. Without the right training and gear, it’s risky for homeowners to try and fix these systems.
  • Complex Systems: Today’s AC units are complicated. Fixing them needs specific knowledge, specific skills, and specialized equipment. Trying to do it yourself could cause more damage or injury.
  • Protect Your Warranty: AC makers often require that a certified technician does repairs to keep the warranty valid. Doing it yourself could mean you’ll pay out of pocket for any new problems.
  • Protect the Environment: ACs use special gases that can harm the environment if released. Our technicians have the specialized equipment and know-how to handle and dispose of these safely.
  • Avoiding Future Trouble: A bad repair job can lead to less efficient cooling, a shorter life for your AC, and safety issues. Our pros can find and fix problems in a way that helps your system both last longer and work better.
  • Responsibility: If you try to fix it and something goes wrong, you could be on the hook for damage or injuries. HVAC companies have insurance for this reason.
ac unit on the side of house

It’s smart to trust the pros at Steve Huff to keep your AC in top shape and avoid both the risks and extra costs of a DIY approach. Don’t DIY; call Steve Huff.

How to Choose the Right A/C Repair Company

What are the most important things to look for when choosing an air conditioner repair company for your home or business? This list will help you separate the pretenders from the contenders.

  • Proper Paperwork: Make sure the company’s workers are allowed to fix air conditioners in Tennessee and know how to handle special – and sometimes dangerous – cooling materials safely.
  • They Know Their Stuff: Find out how long they’ve been fixing air conditioners around the Tri-cities. Their workers should really understand our weather and the sometimes-quirky construction choices that are common here. Furthermore, they should have trained specialists for all the different types of HVAC needs that are common to our area.
  • Good Words from Customers: Look at what people say online about them. You want to hear that they do a good job, are nice to customers, and fix problems fast.
  • They Do It All: The best companies can do everything – put in new systems, keep them running well, and be there in a pinch, for home and businesses.
  • They’re Super Sleuths: Ask if they have the right equipment to figure out tricky air conditioner problems quickly and – just as important – can explain what’s wrong and how they’ll fix it.
  • Promises, Promises: Look for a company that promises their work will last and fixes things without a fuss If and when something goes wrong.
  • Saving Energy: They should also be able to help you make your air conditioner run better so you don’t waste energy, which is super important when it gets hot and sticky here in the summer.

Why Choose Steve Huff?

Any heating and air conditioning company here in the Tri-cities area is going to confront the same heating and cooling issues over and over again. The longer you live here, the more you understand – this place is different. 

We’ve been here for almost 50 years. We know the people, we know the places and we know the unique challenges of providing efficient, affordable indoor comfort systems to the Tri-Cities. 

We pride ourselves on having trained specialists who deliver the best possible service to our customers.

  • HVAC Technicians: These men and women are adept at installing, maintaining, and fixing HVAC systems for both homes and businesses. We make sure they have up-to-date training on all the different heating and cooling technologies common to our area.
  • Installation Specialists: Our installation specialists ensure that new systems are put in perfectly, matching the building’s design and needs with the system being installed.
  • Maintenance Technicians: Our technicians are trained to provide regular check-ups to catch and fix small problems before they become big ones. Regular maintenance of your HVAC systems will make sure they run smoothly for years.
  • Emergency Repair Technicians: Our pros are ready to quickly handle urgent HVAC problems at any time, something that is essential when extreme weather hits and you really need your heating or cooling to work.
  • System Designers: This often-overlooked role is essential to your indoor comfort and budget. Qualified engineers and HVAC experts craft tailor-made heating and cooling strategies for your building, taking into account its size, shape, comfort needs and energy-saving goals. They are here to help make systems more energy-efficient, to suggest smart updates, and help cut down on energy bills.
  • Sales Representative: We make sure our team members are experts who can help you pick the right HVAC system for your particular needs. They are there to assist you throughout the whole process to make sure you’re satisfied with the end result.
  • Project Manager: For big projects, we provide a project manager to ensure that the team works well together, stays on schedule, and meets customer expectations.
Steve Huff Plumbing van in front of lake in Bristol

Contact Steve Huff Plumbing Today!
